Il futuro dell’approvvigionamento energetico: su questo tema Roberto Casula, Chief Development Operations and Technology Officer di Eni, è intervenuto lo scorso 26 ottobre nel corso…
Posts tagged as “Roberto Casula”
Ingegnere cagliaritano specializzato in ambito estrattivo, Roberto Casula riveste dal 2014 il ruolo di Chief Development, Operations & Technology Officer di Eni S.p.A. Lungo il corso della sua carriera, iniziata alla fine degli anni ’80 in Agip come ingegnere di giacimento, ha ricoperto sia in Italia che all’estero incarichi ai vertici del colosso di San Donato Milanese, occupandosi in particolare dell’espansione delle attività in Africa e Medio Oriente delle società controllate. I suoi incarichi lo hanno portato infatti a condurre le trattative con numerosi Paesi: Libia, Angola, Kenya, Gabon, Mozambico e Sud Africa. Laureatosi in Ingegneria Mineraria nel 1988 all’Università degli Studi di Cagliari, Roberto Casula è stato attivo negli anni ’90 come Chief Development Engineer, Reservoir Engineer e Petroleum Engineer di Agip Angola Ltd, nonché Development and Production Coordinator di Eni S.p.A. Department Manager (Responsabile dei Servizi Tecnici di Progetto) per l’Iran a partire dal 2000, l’anno seguente diviene Project Director di Giant South Pars Gas fasi 4-5. Managing Director di Eni Mediterranea Idrocarburi S.p.A., consociata del Gruppo Eni, ha rivestito la medesima funzione in Eni Nord Africa BV. Nel corso degli anni successivi Roberto Casula prosegue l’impegno nel Gruppo, diventando nel 2007 Senior Vice President per l’area della Regione Sub-Sahariana e in seguito Chairman delle consociate A.E.N.R. Ltd, N.A.O.C. Ltd e N.A.E. Ltd. Nel 2011, infine, prima di assumere l’incarico di Chief Development, Operations & Technology Officer, è nominato Executive Vice President di Eni, con responsabilità sull’area africana e mediorientale.
Roberto Casula biografia inglese
Born in Cagliari in 1962, Roberto Casula is a Mining Engineer. Currently he is Chief Development, Operation & Technology Officer at Eni S.p.A. During his professional career, started when he joined Agip S.p.A at the end of 80s working as Reservoir Engineer, he covered both in Italy and abroad top positions in the giant oil’s company of San Donato Milanese, particularly dealing with the expansion of the activities to Africa and Middle East of the affiliated companies. Due to his role, he contracted some negotiations with several countries: Libya, Angola, Gabon, Mozambique and South Africa. Graduated in Mining Engineering at the University of Cagliari, Roberto Casula operated as Chief Development Engineer, Reservoir Engineer and Petroleum Engineer at Agip Angola Ltd, as well as Development and Production Coordinator of Eni S.p.A during the 90s. Since 2000, he was appointed Department Manager (Technical Service manager) concerning the activities in Iran and the following year he became Project Director of Giant South Pars (step 4-5). Managing Director of Eni Mediterranea Idrocarburi S.p.A., Eni’s subsidiary, he took up the same role in Eni Nord Africa S.p.A. During the following year, Roberto Casula kept on working for the oil company, becoming Senior Vice President for the Sub-Saharan region in 2007 and Chairman of the subsidiaries (A.E.N.R. Ltd, N.A.O.C. Ltd e N.A.E. Ltd). In 2011, before being Chief Development Operation & Technology Officer, he had been elected Executive Vice President of Eni, including responsibility for African and Middle Eastern area.